“Guadalupe Quinn’s Story” by Lynn Stephen

“Guadalupe Quinn’s Story”

A documentary by Lynn Stephen



Guadalupe is a Latina elder and activist living in Eugene, OR. Originally from Mexico City. She arrived to Oregon in 1978. Guadalupe got involved with Witness for Peace and traveled to Nicaragua to visit families who were surviving the war. She has always been religiously inclined, and through her adulthood, has redefined what faith and spirituality means to her, as well as remaining committed to working with immigrant communities.


Producer/Director bio:

Lynn Stephen is a professor of Anthropology and co-creator of the Latino Roots in Oregon Project. She co-teaches the Latino Roots sequence course.


“La Historia de Guadalupe Quinn”

Un documental de Lynn Stephen


Sinopsis/resumen de la película:

Guadalupe es una líder Latina y activista que vive en Eugene, OR. Es originaria de México y llegó a Oregon en el año 1978. Guadalupe se involucró con la organización Testimonio por la Paz y viajó a Nicaragua para visitar a familias que sobrevivieron la guerra. Guadalupe siempre ha sido religiosa, y como adulto, ha redefinido lo que la fé y la espiritualidad significan, y esta comprometida a trabajar con comunidades inmigrantes.


Biografía del productor/director:

Lynn Stephen es profesora de Antropología y es la co-creadora del Proyecto Raíces Latinas en Oregón. Ella también es co-instructora del curso Latino Roots.