“Alvaro Cervantes: Resolute” by Roben Itchoak.
“This course has shown me how racism; primarily white supremacy, is formed and how it persists because of the perpetuation of particular race-based values and policies. I have learned how to record and share tough conversations about racism, that way, I can share indigenous voices that are inclusive of different knowledge and perspectives, which can help preserve indigenous land and culture.” — Roben Itchoak, Latino Roots class 2017–
“Este curso me ha enseñado como el racismo, principalmente la supremacía blanca, se forma y cómo persiste debido a la perpetuación de valores y políticas basados en la raza. He aprendido a grabar y compartir conversaciones sobre racismo; de esa manera, puedo compartir voces indígenas que incluyen diferentes perspectivas y que pueden ayudar a preservar la tierra y la cultura indígena.” — Roben Itchoak, Latino Roots clase 2017–
“Bryan O. Rojas-Araúz: DREAMless” by Darien Combs and Bryan O. Rojas- Araúz.
Producers/Director’s Bio: Darien Combs:
“By participating in the Latino Roots course, I have gained a broader understanding about the long and complicated history of Latinx communities in Oregon and the Unites States, and I have developed a deeper understanding about how to use documentary films as a tool for resistance.” — Darien Combs, Latino Roots class 2017–
“A través del curso Latino Roots/Raíces Latinas he obtenido un entendimiento amplio acerca de la larga y complicada historia de las comunidades Latinx en Oregón y los Estados Unidos, y he comprendido más profundamente cómo utilizar películas documentales como herramienta para la resistencia social.” — Darien Combs, Latino Roots class 2017–
Bio Bryan O. Rojas-Araúz: As an immigrant of Costa Rican and Panamanian descent, I try to use my experience as a catalyst for the work that I do. My focus is on working with marginalized communities specifically people of color and immigrants. I received my Master’s in Counseling Marriage, Family and Child Therapy with a dual emphasis in College Counseling at SFSU. As community college mental health provider, I worked with Latinx immigrant and undocumented community college students and realized my experiences were paralleled to the student’s I worked with. I’m a Counseling Psychology doctoral student with a Spanish Specialization. My research focuses are Immigrant psychology, DREAMer experiences, ethnic identity formation, Critical Consciousness, postsecondary education attainment and social justice development. I currently work with Latinx, and undocumented youth in an after-school intervention and research program. I’m also a mental health counselor at Lane Community College. I am a self-identified DREAMer, feminist, dancer, poet and scholar-activist. My scholarship is aimed at facilitating the process of immigrant communities in the telling of their own stories, whether it be on paper, film or artistic expression. I hope to support the formation of counter narratives that portray the real lived experience of immigrant communities.
“Daniela Cárdenas-Riumalló: Stitch by Stitch” by Andrea Seider.
“The Latino Roots course and its instructors offer a hands-on style of learning, which was exactly what I was searching for in a class. Guided by the ethnographic research and by exploring the concepts of borders, whiteness, migration and ethnic identity, I was challenged to produce work and take on various roles, such as that of an oral historian, documentary producer, director, and editor.” –Andrea Seider, Latino Roots class 2017–
“El curso y las profesoras de Latino Roots/Raíces Latinas ofrecen un estilo práctico de aprendizaje, que era exactamente lo que yo estaba buscando. Guiada por la investigación etnográfica y explorando conceptos de fronteras, blancura, migración e identidad étnica, aprendí a producir y asumir varios trabajos como historiador oral, productor de documentales, director y editor.” — Andrea Seider, Latino Roots clase 2017–
“Diego Vásquez Martínez: De Oaxaca a Oregon” by Romario García Bautista.
Synopsis: Diego Vasquez Martinez is a junior at the University of Oregon majoring in Computer Science. At the age of 9 Diego moved to Oregon from Santiago Apóstol Ocotlán de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico. Throughout this film we learn more about Diego’s journey adapting to life in the United States as well as understanding how his cultural influence has shaped him into who he is today.
Producer/Director Bio: Romario Garcia Bautista is a 3rd year Journalism and Anthropology student at the University of Oregon. Born in San Bernardino, California to indigenous Zapotec migrants, Romario’s passion is to tell stories through different media in order to equitably represent marginalized communities.
“Edward Olivos: A Trajectory of Advocacy and Education” by Brenda García Millán.
“I took the Latino Roots course based on my interest in story-telling and journalism. Taking this class has enabled me to understand the effects of racial formations and policy on American society. Furthermore, this course has thought me the significance of documenting the stories of those whose voices are not always heard.” –Brenda García Milán, Latino Roots class 2017–
“Tomé el curso de Latino Roots/Raíces Latinas por mi interés en periodismo y narración de historias. El haber tomado la clase me permitió entender como ciertas formaciones raciales tienen efecto en las pólizas de la sociedad Americana. Este curso me ha enseñado el valor de documentar historias de voces no siempre se escuchan.” –Brenda García Milán, Latino Roots clase 2017–
“Gisselle López Ixta: Giselle’s Path to Activism” by Juliza Ramirez.
Synopsis: Giselle Lopez-Ixta is a community organizer from Woodburn, Oregon. Giselle was born in Apatzingan, Michoacán, Mexico and crossed the Tijuana border to the United States at an early age. The documentary speaks of Giselle’s journey as a Chicana scholar, activist and mentor. Giselle’s story points out the importance of having Chicanx students/activists reaching for higher education while organizing in their communities.
Producer/Director Bio: My name is Juliza Ramirez and I am a sophomore at the University of Oregon. I am an Ethnic Studies major wanting to go into health policy. The Latino Roots class has helped reflect on activism work within my community and how I can get further involved as a student.
“Gloria Itzel Carbajal Jaimes: A Girl from Bejucos” by Timothy Herrera.
“Being part of the Latino Roots course was an amazing experience because the class taught me about a large history of Oregon that often gets overlooked or ignored. As a Latino that just moved to Oregon, the most impactful part of the class is being able to contribute to strengthening the Latino history in this state.” –Timothy Herrera, Latino Roots class 2017–
“El haber sido parte del curso de Latino Roots/Raíces Latinas fue una experiencia increíble porque me enseñó acerca de la historia de Latinos en Oregón que a menudo se pasa por alto o se ignora. Como Latino que acaba de mudarse a Oregón la parte más impactante de la clase es poder contribuir al fortalecimiento de la historia Latina en este estado.” –Timothy Herrera, Latino Roots clase 2017–
“Gustavo Balderas: Education as a Pathway Out of Poverty” by Joan Haran.
Synopsis: Dr. Gustavo Balderas talks about his upbringing as the US-born child of Mexican migrant laborers who settled in Nyssa, Oregon. He explains the importance of education in providing his own route out of poverty, and the importance of mentors setting out the path for him. He discusses his motivation to work in education as a way to give back to the community and his role as the co-founder of the Oregon Association of Latino Administrators and its mission to increase the presence of Latinos in power in Oregon.
Producer/Director Bio: Dr. Joan Haran was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow in the Center for the Study of Women in Society between December 2015 and November 2017. She audited the Latino Roots course to develop skills in video ethnography and to understand more about the history of Latino immigration in Oregon and the important contributions that Latino immigrants have made to the state.
“Juan Camacho: Punk, Pride & Promises” by Emily Robinson.
“I enrolled in the course so I could further my knowledge of the racial history in regard to Latinos in Oregon and the United States– an essential and often overlooked part of this country’s history. It has been a humbling opportunity to take the course, as I have developed a deeper appreciation of what America and being an American means. This class has taught me the intricacies of creating an oral history project and documentary filmmaking.” –Emily Robinson, Latino Roots class 2017–
“Me inscribí en el curso para poder profundizar mi conocimiento de la historia racial de los Latinos en Oregón y los Estados Unidos – una parte esencial de la historia de este país que muchas veces pasa desapercibida. La oportunidad de tomar el curso me ha dado humildad ya que he desarrollado una apreciación más profunda de lo que es ser Americano y de lo que eso significa. Esta clase me ha enseñado las complejidades de la creación de un proyecto de historia oral y del cine documental.” –Emily Robinson, Latino Roots clase 2017–
“Justin Sandoval: Growing Community (Creciendo Comunidad)” by Clara Schneid.
“I cannot express my gratitude for the opportunity this course has given me. I have learned about Latin@ experiences in Oregon, and the political and emotional struggles of identity, building community, and feeling at home. I’m especially grateful for learning how to tell someone else’s story in an ethical manner and presenting it in a creative form.” –Clara Schneid, Latino Roots class 2017–
“No puedo expresar mi gratitud por la oportunidad este curso me ha dado. He aprendido sobre las experiencias Latinx en Oregón, y las luchas políticas y emocionales de identidad, de construir comunidad y crear un hogar. Estoy especialmente agradecida por haber aprendido cómo contar la historia de otra persona de una manera ética y presentarla en forma creativa.” –Clara Schneid, Latino Roots clase 2017–
“The Beauty of Both: Leo’s Story” by Makinna Miles.
“The Latino Roots course provided the perfect opportunity for interdisciplinary research. I have gained a deeper understanding for Oregon’s racial history and the diversity in Latino communities. The Latino Roots class has connected me with people and programs to further my education and research, and has made me a better communicator, ally, and activist.” — Makinna Miles, Latino Roots class 2017–
“El curso de Latino Roots/Raíces Latinas me proporcionó la oportunidad para la investigación interdisciplinaria. He adquirido un profundo conocimiento de la historia racial de Oregón y la diversidad en las comunidades Latinas. La clase me ha conectado con personas y programas para avanzar mi educación e investigación, y me ha hecho una mejor comunicadora, aliada y activista.” — Makinna Miles, Latino Roots clase 2017–
“Maria Bené Santos: Bené” by Emily Masucci.
Synopsis: In Bené, Maria “Bené” Santos offers reflections on her lifelong journey as an educator, which brought her from São Luís do Maranhão, a city in the northeast of Brazil, to Eugene. Today Bené works as a Portuguese lecturer in the Department of Romance Languages, but her interest in education extends far into her childhood. As a young girl, Bené would emulate her teachers, lining up her dolls into rows and using a small chalkboard to instruct them. This documentary explores themes of identity, immigration, and perseverance through Bené’s testimony about the problematic and difficult moments she experienced as a student and an educator in the United States. Her reflections highlight the dual identity that she embodies—travelling and living in both the US and Brazil—and the (dis)connections that have come about as a result.
Producer/Director Bio: Emily Masucci is a first-year graduate student in anthropology. Her research centers around indigenous women’s organizations and social movements in Brazil and considers the lived experiences and epistemologies that indigenous women draw on as they organize politically.
“Mateo Amezcua: An American Story” by Juan Camacho.
Synopsis: The documentary is about Mateo Amezcua, who came to the United States as a young man and without any reading or writing skills. Mateo worked his way to Eugene Oregon, where he started a family and his own landscaping business. Mateo explains in his own words the risks he took with his future and the ways in which he survived in the world by never giving up and meeting the challenges of making a living with the handicap of being illiterate, but at the same time proud to be an American.
Producer/Director Bio: Juan Camacho is a Cultural Anthropology major at the University of Oregon. Juan came to Eugene, Oregon in the early 1980’s with his band, The Detonators. Juan Camacho traveled extensively with his band and later owned and operated two restaurants here in Eugene. His mission was to meet his promise to his mother that he would someday return to school and get his degree. Juan lives with his love and companion, Elizabeth Sake and looks forward to fulfilling his promise to his mother, Ney, and graduating from college.
“Norma Caballero López: Putting the Pieces Together” by Andrea V. Castillo.
“Through this class I have learned more about Oregon and the history behind the injustices on minority groups, and not just the Latinx population. Working on this project has made me become aware of my own history while listening to my grandmother’s story. The Latino Roots course has been an experience where I gained skills that I will be able to use later in life.”
–Andrea V. Castillo, Latino Roots class 2017–
“A través de esta clase he aprendido más sobre Oregón y la historia detrás de las injusticias a grupos minoritarios, y no sólo a la población Latinx. El trabajar en este proyecto me ha hecho ser consciente de mi propia historia mientras escuchaba la historia de mi abuela. El curso de Latino Roots/Raíces Latinas ha sido una experiencia en la que adquirí nuevas herramientas que podré usar más adelante en la vida.” –Andrea V. Castillo, Latino Roots class 2017–
“Norma Scovell: Norma” by Heidi Rangel.
“The Latino Roots project has been the most incredible experience of my education to date. These courses offers lessons on colonialism, migration, perceptions of race, and the profound impact Latino people have had, in Oregon’s history. My exposure to the substantial history of Latino people in this state has expanded as my classmates and I explore the rich backgrounds of our respective documentary participants.” –Heidi Rangel, Latino Roots class 2017–
“El proyecto de Latino Roots/Raíces Latinas ha sido la experiencia más increíble de mi educación hasta la fecha. Este curso ofrece lecciones sobre el colonialismo, la migración, las percepciones de la raza y el profundo impacto que la gente Latina ha tenido en la historia de Oregón. Mi exposición a la historia de Latinos en este estado ha crecido a medida que mis compañeros de clase y yo exploramos las ricas historias de los respectivos participantes de nuestros documentales.” –Heidi Rangel, Latino Roots class 2017–