Latino Roots Class of 2017
Latino Roots Class of 2015
Latino Roots Class of 2013
Latino Roots Class of 2011
Latino Roots I:
The dominant historical narrative for the state of Oregon has centered on the Anglo-American pioneer experience. In this course, we will broaden the historical narrative of the state of Oregon through studying, theorizing, and documenting the depth and breadth of Latino and Latin American immigration, settlement, social movements, and civic and political integration in Oregon during the 20th century. This history will be embedded in the larger racial/ethnic and colonial histories of the territory which became the state of Oregon.
After an initial five weeks of reading secondary texts and historical documents, students will learn the methodologies of archival research, oral history interviews, and journalistic and audio/visual recording. This course combines ethnographic and journalistic documentation of the ethnic histories of Oregon with oral history research and preservation. This class is the first in a two-course sequence.
Latino Roots II:
This course is a continuation of Latino Roots I and it is designed for producing a short documentary using oral history as the backbone of the story. The course covers basic theory and practice of digital film/video documentary production. The course reinforces what was learned in Latino Roots I and it furthers the technical, aesthetic, and research fundamentals of documentary making. The course will cover the different elements of pre-production, production, and post-production phases. The course will work primarily as a lab, however some lectures and documentary viewings will take place as well.
This course is a unique academic collaboration between University of Oregon’s Department of Anthropology and the School of Journalism and Communication. For more information about the departments and people, visit:
Department of Anthropology:
School of Journalism and Communication:
Latino Roots Faculty

School of Journalism and Communication

Department of Anthropology
Instructor 2015 Graduate Fellow 2017

Media Studies, Ph.D.
School of Journalism & Communication

Media Studies and Journalism, M.A.
School of Journalism & Communication