Humberto Reyna

Humberto Reyna was born in a little town of Alamo, Texas, which is located in the Rio Grande Valley. Since he was young, he worked as a migrant farm worker in different fields, such as cotton, sugar beets, potatoes, apricots or cherries. While living in Lynden, Washington, he began the first grade of school, and throughout this elementary education, he attended 36 different schools due to his family’s migratory life.

Humberto continued his education and received his bachelor’s degree in education. His career path took him to Bellingham, Washington, where he became the director of a migrant center. Later, in 1972, he moved to Oregon where we worked as an admission counselor and minority student recruiter for Portland State University.

Today, Humberto continues to live in Portland, Oregon. He works in a creative environment as a graphic designer and is a member of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.


Humberto Reyna nació en la pequeña ciudad de Alamo, Texas, en el Valle del Rio Grande. Desde pequeño, trabajó como trabajador agrícola en campos de algodón, betabel, papas, durazno y ceresos. Mientras vivía en Lynden, Washington, comenzó el primer grado escolar, y durante sus estudios primarios, ingresó 36 escuelas diferentes porque su familia viajaba para seguir los diferentes sembradíos.

Humberto continuó su educación y recibió su licenciatura en educación. Su trabajo lo llevó a la ciudad de Bellingham, Washington donde fué director de un centro para trabajadores migrantes. En 1972, se mudo a Oregon y trabajó como un consejal de admisiones y reclutador de estudiantes minoritarios para la Universidad Estatal de Portland.

Hoy en día, Humberto continua viviendo en Portland, trabaja en un ambiente creativo como diseñador gráfico y es miembro del Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.